- Abstract modeling,
- Acoustic and under water communication,
- Adaptive controller design,
- Advanced Microsystems Packaging,
- Algorithmic information theory,
- Analysis of algorithms,
- Antennas and propagation,
- Application of Health Informatics in Clinical Cases,
- Application Security, Web security,
- Array processing,
- Audio, Speech, Image & Video signal processing,
- Biometrics,
- Circuit optimization for the area or/and performance,
- Coding and Diversity,
- Cognitive radio systems and networking,
- Combinational Logic Design process,
- Compilers, Programming languages,
- Computability theory,
- Computational nanotechnology,
- Computer Aided Design,
- Computer architecture,
- Computer networks & Information security,
- Cooperative communications,
- Cross-layer designs,
- Cryptography,
- Data Governance and Data Leakage prevention,
- Data Visualization,
- Database systems,
- DC/DC converters.
- Design and Development for Healthcare IT,
- Design of buck-boost controllers,
- Design of Electronic System using Discrete Devices,
- Energy efficient communications infrastructure,
- Development of Assistive Technology,
- Digital Forensics,
- Distributed generation,
- Distributed resource allocation and scheduling,
- Efficient design of Cycloconverters,
- Efficient medium access control protocols,
- e-Health Applications,
- E-Health,
- Electronic design automation (EDA),
- Electronic Health Records and Standards,
- Electronic properties and devices,
- Electronic system level design tools,
- Embedded electronic system design,
- Energy- and power-constrained network devices,
- Energy conversion techniques,
- Energy efficiency in data center operation,
- Energy efficiency in wireless and vehicular networks,
- Energy Efficient Design
- Energy efficient high speed big data processing,
- Energy efficient networking, communication and protocols,
- Energy Efficient Physical layer concepts,
- Energy harvesting concepts for network devices,
- Enterprise Risk management Strategies,
- Evaluation and Use of Healthcare IT,
- Feedback Adaptive Control,
- Feedforward Adaptive Control,
- Field Programmable Gate Array, System on Chip, 3-D IC
- Green communication,
- Green Computing,
- Future wireless communications, including 5G,
- Healthcare Management Systems,
- High speed Energy efficient signal processing techniques,
- Human-computer interfaces,
- Human-machine Interfaces for Disabled Persons,
- ICT, Ageing and Disability,
- Identity managment and Authentication,
- Incident response management,
- Information Security Policies and End-user Awareness,
- International Law and cyber security,
- IO Standards Based Green Design
- Learning theory and Pattern recognition,
- Low Power Electronics
- Mathematical logic and Formal languages,
- Measurement and modeling of energy consumption.
- Microgrid and Smart grid,
- MIMO and Adaptive antennas,
- Mobile ad-hoc networks,
- Mobile Security, Cloud security.
- Mobile Technologies for Healthcare Applications,
- Modeling, Simulation and Control of power converters,
- Multicarrier Communication Systems,
- Multidimensional signal processing,
- Multimedia Information Systems,
- Nanobiotechnology,
- Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS),
- Nanomagnetism and spintronics,
- Nanomaterials,
- Nanometrology and instrumentation,
- Nanosensors and other devices,
- Network and Endpoint Security,
- Next generation networking and wireless systems,
- Non-linear and Biomedical Signal Processing,
- Nonparametric Adaptive Controllers,
- Operating systems,
- Optical Wireless and Communications,
- Optimization and analysis in communications,
- Parallel and Distributed Systems,
- Parametric Adaptive Controllers,
- Pattern recognition and Machine Learning,
- Pervasive Health Systems and Services,
- Photonic structures and devices,
- Power converters for Renewable Energy Systems,
- Power electronics and Drives,
- Power quality and FACTS Technologies,
- Power semiconductor switches and soft switching,
- Power system modeling and simulation,
- Power system planning and operation,
- Practice-based Research Methods for Healthcare IT.
- PVT Variation Aware Design
- Quantum information,
- Remote sensing,
- RFIDs and Applicatons,
- Routing protocols and QoS,
- Secure communications and Cryptography,
- Signal processing for communications,
- Controller applications for DC-DC converters,
- Soft computing, Fuzzy Logic and ANN.
- Software Systems in Medicine,
- Space-Time Codes,
- Sparse signal processing,
- State-of-the-art integrated circuits design tools,
- Steganography and steganalysis,
- Surface patterning and imaging.
- Theory of computation,
- Variable speed drive applications.
- VLSI signal processing,
- Wavelets and Filter banks,
- Wireless energy harvesting techniques and protocols,
- Wireless Sensor Networks,
- Sensors and actuators,
- Sensors and instrumentation systems,
- Smart economy development,
- Cloud computing and network infrastructures,
- Management of Technology Innovation,
- Entrepreneurship especially in High Technology Segment,
- Field-programmable and Reconfigurable Systems,
- Fluids Engineering,
- Semantic tagging,
- Smart healthcare and emergency management,
- Reliability and Security, and Database Theory,
- Domain-Specific Translators,
- Open data and big data analytics,
- Test and Verification,
- Application-Specific Low Power,
- Smart environment and policy development,
- R&D management,
- Technologies Clusters and their sustainability,
- Internationalisation of Technology Research,
- Managing Hi Tech Labs,
- Financing of Technology Ventures,
- Adaptive/Robust systems and control,
- System-on-a-Chip Design,
- Technology for growing economies,
- Camera and video based scene Text Analysis,
- Document Analysis and Understanding,
- Heat Transfer,
- Strategic Management of R&D,
- Data and Information Quality Control.
- Naturopathy,
- Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies.
- Sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) for smart cities,
- Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis,
- Medicinal Compounds Produced in Plant Cell Factories,
- Natural Language Interfaces,
- PID controllers using FPGA Technology,
- System Issues in Complexity,
- Phytopharmacology,
- Complexity Theory,
- Advanced Energy,
- Medicinal Plant Biotechnology,
- Application, deployment in smart cities,
- NanoTechnology,
- International technology transfer and licensing,
- Energy flows, consumption, production ,
- Energy management,
- Text Summarization,
- Computer graphics, Cloud computing,
- Approximation Algorithms,
- Parallel and Distributed Computing,
- Applied Mechanics,
- Algorithms and Data Structures,
- Algorithmic Game Theory,
- Language Identification,
- Graph theory, Drawing and Information Visualization,
- Historical Document and Digital Libraries,
- Aromatherapy,
- Smart transportation and Pedestrian safety,
- Smart E-health systems,
- Internal Combustion Engines,
- VLSI System Design, ASIC,
- Bioengineering,
- Information Retrieval.
- Ayurveda,
- Graph Theory, Communication Networks, and Optimization,
- Enabling wireless and mobile technologies for smart cities,
- Medicinal Plant Research,
- Herbal Drugs,
- Character and symbol recognition,
- Graphics Analysis and Recognition,
- Text Linguistics,
- Document based Forensics,
- Environmental Engineering and more...
- Smart city theory, modeling, and simulation,
- Rail Transportation,
- Environment and Unconventional Energy Development,
- Water Management Cyber Physical System
- FPGA-based instrumentation.
- Emerging control theory and applications,
- Low Power, Power Awareness in VLSI Design,
- Morphological Analysis,
- Phytotherapy,
- Bioinformatics, Semantic web,
- Mixed-Signal Design and Analysis,
- Smart buildings,
- Fractional order systems and control,
- Emergency of new business models driven by technology,
- Management Information Science
- Internet based businesses and sustainability.
- Human Resource
- IT in Finance
- Computer in Banking
- Printed/Handwritten Text Recognition,
- Memory designs,High Speed Circuits,MEMS, FET,
- Data privacy and security issues in smart cities,
- Safety and security systems,
- Auditing institutions,
- Robotics and automation,
- Opinion Mining,
- Hybrid systems,
- Advanced communication systems in smart cities,
- Design Engineering,
- Aerospace,
- Language Translation and Transliteration,
- Software engineering, Web technologies,
- Distributed computing,
- Computer vision,
- E-Learning and E-Governance,
- Data/Web mining and Knowledge Discovery,
- Image processing, Pattern recognition, Big data,
- Data mining, Artificial intelligence,
- Materials and Energy Recovery,
- Ontology-driven NLP,
- Intelligent infrastructure,
- Smart city for special needs,
- Algorithms for VLSI System Design.
- Aerospace / Flight Control and Surveillance systems,
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
- Phytochemistry,
- IP issues in Technology is Growing Economies,
- Manufacturing,
- Biomedical instrumentation and control,
- Computational Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory.
- Digital city and smart growth,
- Text to speech conversion,
- Language Tagging with OCR,
- Patents and commercialisation,
- Pharmacognosy,
- Citizen engagement and smart governance,
- Smart data for social entrepreneurship,
- Computational Learning Theory and Knowledge Discovery,
- Intelligent control and instrumentation,